Sunday 13 April 2014

Tricky answer to a tricky question. Cheating CEO Husband (Wife) or faithful jobless Husband (Wife)?

Would you rather have a Husband (Wife) who is jobless but honest or A Husband (Wife) who is a CEO but cheats; given you’re jobless? This was one of the questions when I and a couple of friends were playing a game on a smart phone. The popular answer was the jobless, but faithful husband (wife). In fact all the girls chose the honest jobless husband within the blink of an eye.

I on the hand had one clarification before I could make my decision; what kind of CEO is she? I know by now you’re wondering what kind of person asks a question like that, but if I’m going to have a cheating CEO wife, it better be a CEO who at least makes enough money to make me a millionaire once we divorce, which by the way is a matter of when than if. 

And you know what, for a jobless man with a jobless wife that same cheating CEO you didn’t marry might as well end up sleeping with your wife.  Soooo! You end up with the jobless and the cheating wife. Seriously, I swear that was, and I repeat that was a JOKE! If that makes sense to you. 

1 comment:

  1. I am karen from USA, after 4 years in marriage with my husband ,he left me for another woman. I did all i could to get him back but all effort proved abortive, until an old friend of mine told me about a spell caster Dr.EZIZA on the internet who helped her in a similar issue, at first i doubted it but I decided to give it a try. when I contacted the doctor ( he helped me cast a re-uniting spell and within 48 hours me and my husband came together again. I cant stop thanking Doctor EZIZA, Contact this great spell caster on your relationship or marriage problems and consider it solved just as mine and be happy again and forever.His email is; or contact him on WhatsApp on +2348163086732
